Percent Change

Percent change is the percentage difference between the starting value and the ending value.. Percent change is frequently used in marketing and advertising to evaluate month-over-month and year-over-year changes in numbers.

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To calculate percent change, enter the starting value and the ending value.

Digital Marketing Term Glossary

Spend: Spend is the net advertising cost. This does not include management fees, creative or anything else - purely the advertising hard cost.

Impressions: Impressions are the amount of times ads appeared, or were shown, in the given channel. Essentially how many ads were served by the advertising spend.

Cost-per-thousand Impressions (CPM): CPM is how much it costs in net advertising spend to purchase 1,000 impressions. ((Spend / Impressions)*1000) = CPM

Click-through Rate (CTR): CTR is the rate at which impressions result in a viewer of the ad clicking on it. If 100 ads are shown and 1 person clicks, that is a 1% CTR. Clicks / Impressions = CTR

Clicks: Clicks are the amount of people who clicked on, or took an action on an ad. The click metric is also commonly associated with the number of website visitors.

Cost-per-click (CPC): CPC is the average amount paid in advertising spend per click on the ad. Spend / Clicks = CPC

Conversions: Conversions - which could be sales, leads, downloads, email opt-ins - is the total volume of conversion actions attributed to the ad spend.

Conversion Rate: Conversion rate is the rate at which a click turns into a conversion action such as a lead form submission, ebook download, email opt-in, sale, etc. Conversions / Clicks = Conversion Rate

Cost-per-conversion: Cost-per-conversion - often referred to as cost-per-acquisition (CPA) - is the average amount of advertising spend invested per resulting conversion action. Spend / Conversions = Cost-Per-Conversion

Return on Ad Spend (ROAS): ROAS is a measurement of how much revenue is returned per dollar spent. This can be expressed as a percentage, or a dollar amount. Revenue / Spend = ROAS

Markup: Markup is the difference in price between what a business pays for a product (cost) and what a buyer pays for that same product. Markup is based on the cost of goods paid by the business. Markup is the net revenue amount the business will keep.

Margin: Margin is the difference in price between what a business pays for a product (cost) and what a buyer pays for that same product. Margin is the gross revenue percentage the business keeps.

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