September 24, 2013
How I turned 5,000+ Facebook likes into cash
If you listened into yesterdays radio show, or you saw yesterdays blog post (Half Penny Facebook ‘LIKES’ and Episode 6 Wrap Up), then you obviously came back today to find out how I actually took
September 17, 2013
I typically avoid watching and or reading the news. Frankly, because in all of my time on this planet I've never turned on the T.V. and heard, "Good news today!" when the news starts. But everyone now
June 30, 2013
9 Personalities you’ll meet as an Entrepreneur.
It's important to meet all of these personality types. Each and every one of them has a learning experience tied to it.
October 7, 2009
Piracy Didn’t Kill The Music Business
Piracy didn’t kill the music business, the music business killed itself. Filesharing, has gotten a bad rap by the music business.